
John A. Mohan, Ph.D.





Ph.D. 海洋科学
M.S. Biology
B.S. 生物学-生态学


  • 鱼类生态学
  • 渔业生物学



Testing the effectiveness of a microprocessor-based shark bycatch reduction device (BRD) in the laboratory, 休闲渔业和延绳钓渔业

Enhancing shark and ray conservation in the Gulf of Mexico through natural tracers in vertebrae

Investigating Saco River striped bass 生活史 using acoustic telemetry, eDNA, 鳞片和耳石中的天然化学示踪剂


*Brodbeck, B.E., K. Lyons, N. Miller, J.A. Mohan. 2023. Sex influences elemental variation in the mineralized vertebrae cartilage of round stingray (Urobatis halleri). 海洋生物学 170:117. DOI:

Gibson-Banks, M. Streich, J.M. Drymon, S.B. Scyphers, J.A. Mohan, R.J.D. Wells, A. Binstock, T.M. Richards, C. White, N.M. Whitney, G. Stunz. 2023. Talk is cheap: direct evidence of conservation-based changes in angler behavior. 保护科学与实践 e13001. DOI:

* Binstock,., T.M. Richards, K. Gibson-Banks, M. Streich, G. Stunz, C. White, N. Whitney, J.M. Drymon, R.J.D. Wells, J.A. Mohan. 2023. Variable post-release mortality in four common shark species captured in Texas shore-based recreational fisheries. PLoS ONE 18(2): e0281441. DOI:

* LaFreniere B.R., O. Sosa-Nishizaki,年代.Z. Herzka, O. 史诺德,H. Dewar, N. Miller, R.J.D. Wells,   J.A. Mohan. 2023. Vertebral chemistry distinguishes nursery habitats of juvenile shortfin mako (Isurus oxyrinchus),位于北太平洋东部. 海洋及沿岸渔业

Mohan, J.A., A.E. Romo高逸龙 S. Herzka, R.J.D. Wells, N.R. Miller, O. 西崎索佐,E. 加西亚·罗德里格斯. 2023. Inferring habitat use of Pacific White Shark using vertebral chemistry. 海洋科学前沿. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1082219

Mohan, J., H. Dewar, O.E. 史诺德,N.R. Miller, Y. Tanaka, S. Ohshimo, J.R. Rooker, R.J.D. Wells. 2022. Otolith geochemistry reflects life histories of Pacific bluefin tuna. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0275899. DOI: 10.1371 /杂志.pone.0275899

Andrzejaczek,年代., T. Lucas, M. Goodman, N. Hussey… J. Mohan, et al. 2022. Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch 运动生态. 科学的进步. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abo1754

Lueders-Dumont J.A., A.G. Forden, E.R. Kast, J.A. Mohan, B.D. Walther, D.M. Sigman, B.B. Ward. 2022. Controls on the nitrogen isotopic composition of fish otolith organic matter: lessons from a controlled diet switch experiment. 地球化学与宇宙化学学报. DOI:

Livernois, M.C., J.A. Mohan, T. C. TinHan, T. M. Richards, B. Falterman N.R. Miller, R.J.D.Wells. 2021. Ontogenetic patterns of elemental tracers in the vertebrae cartilage of coastal and oceanic sharks. 海洋科学前沿. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.704134

Rooker, J.R., R.J.D. Wells, B.A. Block, H. Liu, H. Baumann, W.C. Chiang, M. Sluis-Zapp N.R. Miller, J.A. Mohan, S. Ohshimo, Y. Tanaka, M.A. Dance, H. Dewar, O.E. 史诺德J.C Shiao. 2021. Natal origin and age-specific egress of Pacific bluefin tuna from coastal nurseries revealed with geochemical markers. 科学报告 DOI:

Mohan, J.A., E. Jones, J. Hendon, B. Falterman K. Boswell, E. Hoffmayer R.J.D. Wells. 2020. Capture stress and post-release mortality of blacktip sharks in recreational charter fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico. 保护生理学 DOI:10.1093 / conphys / coaa041

Matich P., R. Nowicki, J. Davis, J.A. Mohan, J.D. Plumlee, B. 斯特里克兰,T. Tinhan, R.J.D. Wells, M. Fisher. 2020. Does freshwater refuge shape size structure of an estuarine predator (Carcharhinus莱夫卡斯岛),位于墨西哥湾西北部? 海洋及淡水研究 DOI:

Boswell, K.M., M. D’Elia, M.W. Johnston, J.A. Mohan, J.D. Warren, R.J.D. Wells, T.T. Sutton. 2020. Oceanographic structure and light levels drive patterns of mesopelagic scattering layers in a low-latitude oceanic system. 海洋科学前沿 DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.00051

Wells, R.J.D., J.A. Mohan, H. Dewar, J.R. Rooker, Y. Tanaka, O.E. 史诺德,年代. Kohin, N.R. Miller, S. Ohshimo. 2020. Natal origin of Pacific bluefin tuna from the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem. 生物学快报 16:20190878. DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2019.0878

Mohan, J.A., N.R. Miller, S.S. Herzka, O. Sosa-Nishizaki,年代. Kohin, H. Dewar, M. Kinney, O. Snodgrass, R.J.D. Wells. 2018. Elements of time and place: manganese and barium in shark vertebrae reflect age and upwelling histories. 英国皇家学会学报-生物学 285:20181760. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1760

R.J.D. Wells, T.C TinHan, M.A. Dance, J.M. Drymon, B. Falterman, M.J. Ajemian G.W. Stunz, J.A. Mohan, E.R. Hoffmayer W.B. 陈志强,陈志强.A. McKinney. 2018. Movement, behavior and habitat use of a marine apex predator, the scalloped hammerhead. 海洋科学前沿 5:321. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00321

TinHan, T.C., J.A. Mohan, M. Dumesnil, B. DeAngelis R.J.D. Wells. 2018. Linking habitat use and 营养生态学 of spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus)在亚热带河口的一处已修复的牡蛎礁上. 河口和海岸 41:1793-1805. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-018-0391-x

Plumlee, J.D., K.M. Dance, P. Matich, J.A. Mohan, T.M. Richards, T.C. TinHan, R.J.D. Wells. 2018. Community structure of elasmobranchs in estuaries along the northwest Gulf of Mexico. 河口、海岸和陆架科学 204:103-113. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.02.023

Mohan, J.A. and B.D. Walther. 2018. Integrating multiple natural tags to examine migration patterns and resource partitioning across a subtropical estuarine gradient. 河口和海岸 41:1806-1820. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-018-0385-8

Mohan, J.A., T. TinHan, N.R. Miller, R.J.D. Wells. 2017. Effects of sample cleaning and storage on the elemental composition of shark vertebrae. 质谱快速通信 31:2073-2080. DOI: 10.1002/rcm.7998

Chagaris, D., S. Binion, A. Bodanoff, K. Dahl, J. Granneman H. Harris, J. Mohan, M. Rudd, M. Swenarton R. Ahrens, M. Allen, J. Morris, W. Patterson. 2017. An ecosystem-based approach to evaluating impacts and management of invasive lionfish. Fisheries 42:421-431. DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2017.1340273

Matich, P., J.A. Mohan, J.D. Plumlee, T. Tinhan, R.J.D. Wells, M. Fisher. 2017. Factors shaping the co-occurrence of two juvenile shark species along the Texas Gulf Coast. 海洋生物学 164:141. DOI: 10.1007/s00227-017-3173-2

Mohan, J.A., T.T. Sutton, A.B. Cook, K. Boswell, R.J.D. Wells. 2017. Influence of oceanographic conditions on abundance and distribution of post-larval and juvenile carangid fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico. 海洋渔业 26: 526-541. DOI: 10.1111/fog.12214

Mohan, J.A., and B.D. Walther. 2016. Out of breath and hungry: natural tags reveal trophic resilience of Atlantic croaker to hypoxia exposure. 海洋生态进展系列 560:207-221. DOI: 10.3354 / meps11934

Mohan, S.D., J.A. Mohan, T.L. Connelly, B.D. Walther, J.W. McClelland. 2016. Fatty acid biomarkers and tissue-specific turnover: validation from a controlled feeding study in juvenile Atlantic croaker Micropogonias波形的. 鱼类生物学杂志 84:2004-2023. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.13099

Mohan, J.A., S.D. Smith, T.L. Connelly, E.T. Attwood, J. 麦克勒兰德,年代.Z. Herzka, B.D. Walther. 2016. Tissue-specific isotope turnover and discrimination factors are affected by diet quality and lipid content in an omnivorous consumer. 实验海洋生物学与生态学杂志 479:35-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2016.03.002

Diaz-Gil C., M. Palmer, I.A. Catalán, J. Alós, L. Fuiman, E. García, M. 德尔玛吉尔,A. Grau, A. Kang, R.H. Maneja, J. Mohan, B. Morro, J.J. Schaffler, L. Buttay, B. Tolosa, B. Morales-Nin. 2015. Otolith fluctuating asymmetry: A misconception of its biological relevance? ICES海洋科学杂志 72:2079-2089. DOI: 10.1093 / icesjms / fsv067

Mohan, J.A., and B.D. Walther. 2015. Spatiotemporal variation of trace elements and stable isotopes in subtropical estuaries: II. Regional, local, and seasonal salinity-element relationships. 河口和海岸 38:769-781. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-014-9876-4

Mohan, J.A., N.哈尔登和R.A. Rulifson. 2015. 幼条鲈鱼的栖息地使用 马龙saxatilis (Actinopterygii: Moronidae) in rivers spanning a salinity gradient across a shallow wind-driven estuary. 鱼类环境生物学 98:1105-1116. DOI: 10.1007/s10641-014-0344-6.

Limburg, K.E., B.D. Walther, Z. Lu, G. Jackman, J. Mohan, Y. Walther, A. Nissling, P.K. 韦伯和A.K. Schmitt. 2015. In search of the dead zone: use of otoliths for tracking fish exposure to hypoxia. 海洋系统杂志 141:167-178. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2014.02.014

Mohan, J.A., M.S. Rahman, P. Thomas, B.D. Walther. 2014. Influence of constant and periodic experimental hypoxic stress on Atlantic croaker otolith chemistry. 水生生物学 20:1-11. DOI: 10.3354/ab00542

Mohan, J.A., R.A. Rulifson, D.R. 科贝特和N.M. Halden. 2012. Validation of oligohaline elemental otolith signatures of striped bass by use of in situ caging experiments and water chemistry. 海洋及沿岸渔业: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science 4:57-70. DOI: 10.1080/19425120.2012.656533


Past-president, Estuaries Section of the American Fisheries Society


Save Our Seas Foundation - Small Grants (PI) Conservation implications of biomineralization patterns in shark vertebrae cartilage.

NOAA Cooperative Research Program (co-PI) Life history and age validation of blacktip sharks (Carcharhinus limbatus) in the Gulf of Mexico with implications for stock assessment models

NOAA Cooperative Research Program (PI) Post-release mortality and behavior of sharks in shore-based recreational fisheries using citizen scientists and low-cost tags


鱼类生态学, 生活史, 人口的连接, 运动生态, 营养生态学, 生物矿物地球化学, 环境缺氧应激, 休闲钓鱼压力和释放后死亡率